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1. Who we are


Established on August 11, 2016, MP Vietnam Technology Company Limited was granted a certificate of business registration. The company’s main field is “Scientific research and technology development in the field of medicine and healthcare”.

2. Vision

– 2020: become a pioneer pharmaceutical company in products for treating Bones and Joints, developing on a technology platform, leading in market and scale.

– 2023: become the leading corporation in the healthcare sector, worth 10,000 billion.

– 2028: Expand foreign markets, become the leading healthcare group in the Southeast Asian market.

3. Mission

With a technology platform, we are committed to bringing society the highest values ​​in health care, being the top choice of customers.

4. Slogan


Every action of MP Vietnam people comes from the heart, based on the commitment to build a company that constantly develops, enhancing the core values ​​and philosophies of MP Vietnam.

5. Core values

The formation and development process of MP Group is built on the following core values:

– Pioneer: pioneer in applying technology platforms to the pharmaceutical market and health sector.

– Decisive: determined in every thought, every action, striving to conquer the goal.

– Responsibility: always be a highly responsible person at work.

– Creativity: constantly innovate, find new methods and actions to bring breakthrough results.

– Think big: dare to think, dare to face, dare to succeed.

6. Introducing Alpha Bone products

Currently, the rate of people suffering from bone and joint pain is increasing rapidly. At the same time, bone and joint diseases are gradually getting younger in age. Serious injuries to the body’s bones and joints leave extremely serious complications and seriously affect health as well as daily life. Grasping this essential need, MP Vietnam Technology Co., Ltd. has researched, produced and exclusively distributed the Alpha Bone and Alpha Bone Extra joint treatment support products in roll-on form, appearing for the first time in Vietnam.

Manufactured on d

Modern technological lines, meeting GMP standards always ensure important factors such as people, raw materials, equipment, operations, and environment according to international standards. In addition, with 100% clean medicinal herbs imported from India, the UK… The Alpha Bone and Alpha Bone Extra Joint Treatment Support Products are committed to quality and safety for users.

We are committed that Alpha Bone and Alpha Bone Extra are the leading Bone and Joint treatment support products in Vietnam that help to significantly reduce pain, fight inflammation, regenerate cartilage, and increase synovial fluid secretion to help joints move flexibly. In addition,

Documents proving that Alpha Bone products are completely safe for users:

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